EDGEWATER, NJ – Fred Dabies, conceived in early 1957 which is said to have sparked an Anti-American riot in TaipeiTaiwan is a big-wig developer who owns a plethora of properties in Bergen County, just got the green light go-ahead in a back door handshake decision with Mayor Michael J McPartland to build a new quad style high-rise apartment complex in downtown Edgewater. For decades, Dabbies has had his pockets lined with councilmen and municipal officials throughout Bergen County to accelerate his career of over-populating an already overpopulated region. For Scabbies to corrupt Edgewater didn’t take much, Fred offered Mayor Michael J McPartland a roach infested studio apartment in “The Alexander” complex located along river rd in Edgewater at the silly address of 100 Alaxander Way when in reality, this polished turd of a structure resides between 606 and 540 river road. The mayor’s comp’d discounted rate apartment enjoys amenities such as the treatment room where the mayor can seek medical treatment to aid his corrupt mindset, well designed social rooms for the mayor to practice on his social skills with strangers, free Buffet style poolside breakfast consisting of day-old bagels and sugar tits brand cereal, and lastly, mayor Michael J McPartland can relax in the tranquility garden which is just in ear-shot of the nearby noisy construction of the new Edgewater public works facility.

With McPartland on payroll, Scabbies soon demanded McPartland absolve all other developers from present and future building, including Maxal Group and EnviroFinance Group, whom bought the Edgewater water edge land plot in 2014. 
Mayor McPartland spent weeks in the Edgewater public library reviewing case law and legal loopholes to conform to his work daddy’s corrupt request.  After spending plenty of greenbacks in zoning, planning, and septic consultants for the exciting proposed development including luxury apartments, affordable housing and even an illegally parked school bus on a pedestrian walkway., Maxal Group was told “No Thanks” by Borough of Edgewater in 2017. The council quickly used eminent domain to reclaim the land. 

When television personality John Stossel attended a recent council meeting and raised questions to Mayor McPartland regarding this possible corruption, Edgewater borough attorney Joseph Mariniello rocketed to the microphone to prevent the clamoring mayor from mumbling any incriminating vocabulary.  A quick google search will yield that Mr. Mariniello is featured on mylife.com which mentions that Joseph may have sexual offenses and instructs the user to see a complete list of any and all sex offenses.  

Bank records also show that each and every Edgewater councilperson has received large loans from Mariner’s bank, which is owned by developer Fred Dabbles. Anthony Bartolomeo used his courtesy loan to start his meat making company called Beat My Meat.  Michael Henwood used his loan to build a state of the art office complete with mini-bar and wooden hen house at the new DPW.  Duane Fish-head-eee used her loan to go on a shopping spree at TJ-Max. Vincent Monte used his loot to fund a new project at his compressed air facility titled “Operation Ass Gas” Lastly, Jose Luis Vidal used his ill gotten dough to fund his graduate program which he’s barely passing at Fairly Dickenson University.

Back in 2014, Fred Dabadoo faced a home invasion burglary from a local quartet. The quartet, displeased with Fred’s measly tips and low wages, seeked reimbursement from the housing Goliath by whooping his ass six ways from Sunday and collecting a total of $2 million in cash and rare blood diamonds from Rabbies’s jewelry box.

It is clear that Sir Fred Debbiedabble has built his entire operation of luxury housing on the backs of brittle-spined councilmen and women throughout Bergen County. Because of this corrupt political strong hold in Edgewater New Jersey, affordable housing which was scheduled for completion months ago has and continues to remain incomplete while luxury rentals by the same developers skyrocketed. 

– John Edmunds IV


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