LAVALLETTE, NJ. Mayor Walter G. LaCicero began the public comment at last night’s council meeting which was open to the public. When he saw an activist in a wheelchair with a guitarist dressed in a bong costume, the mayor advised that video recording was not allowed. The activist responded with “Is the 1st amendment not allowed here?” The mayor responded with “only when you ask and get permission” The wheelchair-bound activist, Edward Grimes, asked “what happens now if i keep recording?” The mayor advised he would be escorted out by police and possibly charged and arrested.

Official Logo of NJCW

Update: New Jersey Corruption Watch: “The admins of NJCW are not happy with the conduct of the borough council and they will be dispatching all availble resources to investigate this situation.” Admin from NJCW also adds “NJCW has received numerous disturbing allegations into the corruption that exist however they (Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office) chose to focus on the bigger fish”

NJCW also reached out to Lavallette Municipal offices to obtain permission to film and claimed nobody could help them. They were advised the court clerk out of office as well as the administrator.

Quote from Edward Grimes “It’s sad how they treat sick people in Lavallette. The 1 st amendment doesn’t end because the Lavallette council says it ends”

Full video by Sativa Cross / Edward Grimes below.



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